news center
Russian clients are inspecting our c...
After several rounds of negotiation with our customer from Federal Russian, they decided to place a ...
2012/12/05Focus mobile plant delivering to Gha...
Ordered by one of our clients from Ghana, we deliver on time of our mobile concrete plant YHZS50 alo...
2012/10/07HZS50 being dispatched and installed
One set of our HZS50 was delivered and installed in Ha’erbin, main mixer is JS1000 new
2012/05/01Focus HZS50 being delivered
concrete mixer, 3-bin aggregate batcher, 2x100t cement silos(bolted type), full automatic control wi...
2012/05/01Our 2HZS35 Concrete Batching Plant a...
As ordered by our client in Malaysia, we prepared our 2HZS35 Concrete Batching Plant and delivered t...
2012/04/14Good news from Abuja!
commissioning and training of our concrete batching plants at site.